!! IMPORTANT THINGS !! Don't attempt to update SSP. 9 times out of 10, the latest version breaks him. He's constructed in SSP 2.3.95. The memo and shortcut functions require some very simple setup on your behalf if you plan to use them. The instructions for that are further down in the FAQ below. FAQ (1) HOW DO I USE THIS? / WHAT DO I DO? (2) HOW DO I SET UP THE MEMO AND SHORTCUT FUNCTIONS? (3) HOW DOES ICHIMATSU'S AFFECTION STAT WORK, AND WHAT DOES IT DO? (4) HELP! I CAN'T SUMMON THE BROTHERS! (5) WHAT SECRETS ARE THERE? (6) I CAN'T FIGURE OUT HOW TO CHAT TO HIM! HE DOESN'T SEEM TO RESPOND TO ANYTHING! (7) SOMETHING ELSE WENT WRONG! (8) CREDITS ETC (9) OTHER THOUGHTS (1) HOW DO I USE THIS? / WHAT DO I DO? Double click anywhere on his body to open his menu. You can drag him around and place him anywhere you want, but he's designed to go on top of your taskbar, in the bottom right hand side of your screen. Right click to bring up the SSP Menu. Rub your mouse back and forth over his hair or face to pet him. Double click to slap/hit him, if you prefer that. (2) HOW DO I SET UP THE MEMO AND SHORTCUT FUNCTIONS? The memo and shortcut functions need to be set up by you because what they actually do is bring up/open external files on your computer. Therefore, you need to tell Ichimatsu where to find them. Right-Click Ichimatsu > Options > Preferences > Applications His "memo" is tied to the "file manager" application. Create a .txt file (or whatever you want to use, like a .doc) anywhere on your computer. Then click the select button on the "file manager" field and make the file path point to the .txt file. If you can't, make it point to the folder your .txt is in and add the last part manually (for example, put "/memo.txt" at the end of your file path). His "shortcut" is tied to the "mailer" application. Click the select button on the "mailer" field and make it path to whatever you want. It works best with an .exe file, but you can make it open/run just about anything. (3) HOW DOES ICHIMATSU'S AFFECTION STAT WORK, AND WHAT DOES IT DO? Ichimatsu has a hidden "affection" stat, which begins at a 'neutral' value of 50. Very high (80 - 100) or very low (0 - 20) levels of "affection" will trigger unique dialog and interactions in various places. You can ask him 'do you like me' or 'how do you feel about me' in his chat prompt to get an estimate of where his "affection" stat is. Most affection modifiers nudge only "affection" between 1 - 3 points, so changing his feelings toward the user can take a long time. In true Ichimatsu fashion, it's somewhat easier to get on his bad side than on his good side. Here's a general rundown. To increase his affection: - Feed him. This will almost always increase it between 1 - 5, depending on the food item. You can do it once an hour. - Give gifts. However, he's indifferent to most gifts and will hate others, so it's a gamble. - Converse politely and compliment him in the chat module. - Petting him (a lot) while his status is neutral or friendly. - Look out for special/rare events, these often have big affection bonuses (15 - 20) attached, for example on Valentine's Day. - Investigate his secret mode, and you might find something that'll reliably increase his affection there. To decrease his affection: - Give him garbage as gifts. There's a certain item that can either increase his affection slightly or decrease it by a huge margin depending on what you do with it. - Antagonize him in the chat module, although he's fairly thick-skinned and only takes certain things to heart. - Petting him while his status is unfriendly. - Summoning Karamatsu will decrease affection by 1 every time it's performed. (4) HELP! I CAN'T SUMMON THE BROTHERS! Although I've made efforts to prevent it, sometimes Ichimatsu can mistakenly believe that one of his brothers have been summoned when they have not. This is usually caused by closing out the program or switching out to a different ghost without dismissing a summoned brother first. Luckily, the fix is simple. Double click on Ichimatsu to bring up his native menu, then: Let me see your settings > Initiate failsafe > Yes (5) WHAT SECRETS ARE THERE? Most secrets/easter eggs are triggered through prompts in Ichimatsu's chat module. You can summon any of the other brothers by typing "summon (brother's name)". They can be talked with but don't have their own affection stats and don't have an enormous dialog pool like Ichimatsu does. If you keep them there, from time to time, Ichimatsu and the summoned brother will converse. They're mostly there because Ichimatsu looked kind of lonely sitting on his own. You can access a slightly alternate mode of Ichimatsu if you know what you're doing. The only clue I'll provide is to think about a certain sadistic Ichimatsu scene in season 1 of the anime. (6) I CAN'T FIGURE OUT HOW TO CHAT TO HIM! HE DOESN'T SEEM TO RESPOND TO ANYTHING! Refer to conversations.txt for a general idea of things he might have responses to and how to structure sentences. (7) SOMETHING ELSE WENT WRONG! I may or may not be able to help, depending on what the exact issue is, but if you message me at [ichiphile.tumblr.com/ask] I'll do my best to respond to you. (8) CREDITS ETC GHOST & CONSTRUCTION: Zarla's "Girl and Triangle Template" + Ukagaka Walkthrough [http://www.ashido.com/ukagaka/walkthrough.html] SPEECH BUBBLES: Basic Edit of Zarla's "z_simple" Balloon [http://www.ashido.com/ukagaka/z_simple.zip] SHELL ART/SPRITES: Osomatsu-San Shimejis by emmmm [http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?illust_id=53802885&mode=medium] (9) OTHER THOUGHTS 90% of the dialog for the other brothers and Ichimatsu's chat module actually come from their official shabette docomo apps. The rest is pulled from the anime, manga, app games, official art - anything else you can think of. Very little of it is unique. I don't trust my own ability to write any of these characters accurately, and I didn't really want to include headcanon, so I drew heavily upon official sources for their speech. There may be an update in the future. If there is, Ichimatsu's dialog pool will be greatly expanded and all of the brothers will receive big expansions to their conversation pools as well. They will also each get a unique feature (for example, you'll be able to play blackjack with Osomatsu). SSP has a pop3 email notification feature, but I have excluded this because I have not been able to make it work reliably with gmail. You can still try using it from the right-click menu if you'd like.