Reading List

Manga // Fiction // Non-Fiction

Last Update: 19/01/2024

Here you can find a list of reading materials I am currently reading or have completed, along with my impressions. Click on any entry marked "done" to reveal a short drop-down summary of my thoughts. Feel free to leave suggestions in my guestbook or on my Neocities site profile!

Manga: Read everything from intense psychosexual dramas to lighthearted girly shojou, gag comedies to alternate history stories. Bored by most typical shounen, especially those that focus on fight sequences and power levels.

Fiction: Extremely choosy and judgmental, usually only read things that my author friends personally recommend. Sometimes an unusually low-quality title will appear here - these are books I'm curious about for some other reason (e.g. light novel, tie-in novel to some series I'm interested in).

Mostly philosophy and a dash of self-help (critical of self-help as an industry, but curious about what people are reading). Sometimes taken with a random subject of interest and will read a book about it. I also enjoy reading poetry but am very picky.

At the end of 2023 I deleted all social media completely, with the exception of a highly curated Tumblr account for viewing artworks only. I hope to fully eliminate all useless "scrolling" behavior and spend more time consuming well-crafted, enriching (or at least enjoyable) literature. Creating a personal page for this on Neocities was better than making an account on Goodreads, providing me with more flexibility and control, and keeping me away from looking at "metrics" and "ratings".